The Cellular Repair and Anti-Ageing Neuron Elixir, Protects and repairs DNA, reverses cerebral aging, rebuilds mitochondria, reduces brain inflammation, the Most Powerful Antioxidant.
NAD – nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (co-enzyme of Niacin – B3), molecule that reacts with oxygen in the mitochondria to make cellular energy.
The mitochondria is the energy producing “power plant” in every cell of our body and NAD is its chemical converter. It is the most important influence governing the body and brain`s health.
NAD levels naturally decline with age, however, in today`s world, NAD is depleted far more quickly as cells work much harder than even 10 years ago to metabolize toxins, handle stress, and adapt to an unhealthy, over-stimulating psychological, emotional, and physically toxic environment.
It is recommended to administer 10 NAD IVs per month, every day or every other day, for 6 months.
It is recommended to administer NAD IV 1-2x/week for the first month, followed by 2x/monthly for 6 month.