A revolutionary method for testing Intracellular levels of Heavy Metals, Minerals and Trace Elements using a compatible Spectrophotometer Device (Full Visible Light Spectrum).
44 Elements are reported (21 minerals, 16 heavy metals, and Vitamins A, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E). The test is immediate and is non-invasive, measuring the intracellular uptake of the elements, namely through the tissue (including muscle & small capillaries), at a depth of 4mm through the skin.
The Oligo/Check is based on assessments performed by a spectrophotometer. Spectrophotometry is a quantitative analytical method for determining the absorbent properties (absorption) of a given medium in the whole light spectrum.Spectrophotometry is used in numerous areas: chemistry, pharmacy, environmental field, agro-food, biology, medical clinical, industrial, and others.
In the medical sector spectrophotometry is used for examining blood and tissues.
the physiological data is entered
the dermis is scanned via spectrometry
the data is processed and analysed by the Oligoscan app
the data is sent to and saved on a secure server which enables a follow-up care
the results can be consulted on your computer