Body Services

Feel great in your skin as you age Defy the skin sagging, wrinkles and cellulite. FDA approved radio frequency for both skin laxity and cellulite. Advanced non-invasive treatment to improve the elasticity, wrinkles, and cellulite on your face and body without turning to surgery to get amazing results.

ThermiMed Body Contour

  • Sagging skin, jowls and eyelids
  • Sagging neck
  • Cellulite – stomach, hips, arms, chest, and buttocks
  • Wrinkles around the eyes and mouth
  • Wrinkles on the forehead

ThermiMed Face –  forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, and neck. If you have problem areas such as sagging eyelids, wrinkles around the eyes or mouth or sagging jowls, ThermiMed Face is an excellent option to consider.

ThermiMed Body – chest, breasts, arms, stomach, flanks, back, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles. You should consider ThermiMed Body if you have cellulite or saggy/flabby skin in those areas because it can tighten and lift those trouble spots.

How It Works

The procedure works by using radiofrequency, which heats the skin. This causes some collagen to shrink, which allows your skin to tighten and smooth. At the same time, the body naturally produces new collagen. The collagen fills in those wrinkles and dimples caused by cellulite and makes skin look tighter, younger and healthier.

The technician will begin by placing a gel on the area that will be treated. A target temperature is then set, and the procedure begins. For the face, the technician uses a small wand to administer the radiofrequency to the skin. For other parts of the body, the handpiece is typically larger to treat more skin at once.

You will feel a warming sensation, which is necessary to stimulate collagen and tighten the skin. However, the temperature is not painful, it feels more like a heated massage. The system will continuously monitor the temperature on your skin, and adjust the temperature according to feedback from your skin.

ThermiMed has absolutely no downtime. There is no preparation before the procedure, and there is nothing special you need to do after treatment. You can immediately return to your normal activities.


Face/Neck/Body Part